Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to You!

A few weeks ago, we made some pictures for our 2007 Christmas card. Here is the winner...
Merry Christmas from Coleman, Emmie, Calvin and Ellerie!
It is ironic that the above picture is actually the FIRST picture we snapped. We were having our picture session before we left for church so I didn't really get a chance to look at all of the pictures. I just wanted to take a bunch so there would be plenty to choose from. So I tortured the children for several more minutes before we went to the church. Then I tortured them some more when we got home ... here are a few of the other shots...

It looks like Coleman is about to drop the baby, but he's not ... I don't think...

Sibling love ... I think she's squeezing his neck a bit too fierce...

Sweet brothers...

Sweet sisters...

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