Thursday, August 24, 2006


Well, it's barely 11:30 and we're already on our 3rd outfit for Calvin, our 2 year old. We went outside this morning and he loves to play in the mud ... so we cleaned him up. And you need this back-story to understand the next part of the story. Lately I have been working with my older 2 (4 and 5 years) about not leaving their cups on the table so Calvin won't climb up there and dump them out. Let's just say they have had to clean up several messes lately. Well, a few minutes ago I heard, "Mommy, Calvin is at the table and he dumped out the water." Mommy says, "well, whose cup was it? They need to go get a towel." Coleman, the oldest, said, "Mommy, it was yours!." Ohhh! Ooops! In my defense ... well, I guess there really isn't a defense!


karl said...

Ha ha. I get busted like this all the time.

Becky said...

that's so funny! they caught you red handed!!!

i feel like such a boob! i bookmared your page but i book marked the "july" page and have been like "i hope everything's ok because she hasn't been posting.' opps!!

Kelly said...

That is why we still use sippy cups! It sounds like little Calvin keeps you on your toes!

Anonymous said...

This has happened to me. We just laugh and I get to eat some humble pie!

Amy said...

LOL! This story sounds eerily familiar.....