Monday, January 28, 2008


Our family of 6 went out to lunch together recently. It really isn't that big a deal for us to go out to eat. In fact, the baby fell asleep on the way so she just stayed in the car seat. Our kids usually behave and we all enjoy our time together.

While walking to our table, we ran into some people we know. We greeted one another and then a person at that table said, "wow, you just ... you just have so much 'stuff'!" Now, I don't think we had too much stuff with us. The baby was in the car seat, but she's not stuff. And I had a diaper bag on my shoulder (which isn't much bigger than my purse) and it had a little 'stuff' in it. But that's it. The rest of our 'stuff' was just us - just people. But I think that's what they were saying.

I have been thinking about that statement alot today. Yes, if you look at children from a certain perspective, it can seem like alot of 'stuff' - alot of diapers, alot of feeding, alot of cleaning, alot of laundry, alot less sleep, alot of inconveniences.

BUT if you look at children from a biblical perspective, they are blessings!! (Psalm 127:3 - Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb a reward.) There are alot of blessings that come with children: alot of hugs to give and receive, alot of kisses and cuddles, alot of praise as they progress and learn, alot of conversation, alot of unconditional love, alot of opportunities to share Christ's love. I could go on and on about this but I'll keep it short. We are so thankful for our children! Yes, there are hard days but overall they bring so much joy to this family. I am thankful for that reminder this week!


Wendy said...

Definitely blessings!

April said...


Sophia said...

We love and enjoy your "stuff", so keep your shoulders drooping with diaper bags, and your "stuff" with you as you hold your head proud and know that you have been blessed!

Kim said...

Very well said...What a blessing our children are! I have had many say to me..."my, you have your hands full with teens and toddlers" I just sweetly smile and say, yes, I do...and it sure is better than empty hands.

We love our children!

Kelly said...

This is such great perspective. Don't get bogged down in stuff, but enjoy the blessing.