Well, I have been looking for my camera to post some pictures of the last couple of weekends but I still haven’t found it. My parents came up from Georgia the weekend before last for a visit. I’ll try to post some pics when I find the camera.
I asked my 4-year old daughter if she had used Mommy’s camera and if she knew where it was (since she sometimes 'borrows' things like my car keys). She told me it was in the attic. Later she came and told me that the camera was outside in an airplane. So, she hasn’t been much help.
I sure hope it’s somewhere around here. Nothing is where it normally is since I have been feeling pretty “yucky” for the last few weeks. I hope to be able to catch up on housework soon – but at least Calvin likes to eat the crumbs off the kitchen floor! That sure has helped! But I think I may be taking a turn for the better. I think I am usually rid of the “yuckies” by 11 weeks (I will be 11 weeks this coming weekend) and then I am just plain tired.
My husband has been a trooper. He hasn’t complained when the choices for supper have been: frozen corn dogs or frozen pizza. He hasn’t complained when he had to get his clean clothes out of the huge pile on the chair in the corner of our room (at least they’re clean, right). And he hasn’t complained about “taking over” the house and kids when he gets home from work! I am a blessed woman. (But I am carrying HIS child, ya know!)
This past weekend the kids spent Friday night with Granny and PawPaw so we had the house to ourselves! We woke up (blissfully late) on Saturday and spent the day in Colonial Williamsburg. It was a fun and relaxing day. We missed our babies but enjoyed being able to spend some time alone together.
I hope I can post some pics soon.