Thursday, November 11, 2010


This afternoon, I sat for just a few minutes...and it was great. I find myself rushing from thing to thing ... always thinking of the next task that needs to be done, the next thing that I can check off my list. It makes life seem overwhelming at times - and I know that I'm not cherishing time with my children.

One of those sweet things just came up to me and sat by me so ... I just sat with him. And I cuddled with him and kissed his sweet head, knowing that it wouldn't be long before he ran off to play some more. What a gift - to love on him ... even if just for a minute.

I know I need to find more minutes in each day to do just that. If there's one thing I've learned recently, it's that the list never gets done, there's always more to do ... so why rush so hard and so fast to complete it all and miss the most important things right in front of me?

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