Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I started back running about a year ago. Running is a term I use loosely, because I'm not really a runner. I mean, I go out and I run, but I still don't feel like a runner. I'm still not very fast but my goal is to just go the distance without stopping.

Anyway, I decided a few months back that I would 'maybe' do the Richmond Half Marathon in November. I said 'maybe' because I wanted to leave the door open for me to back out of it. So I ran through the summer (which is miserable in the heat and humidity) and did a few races the past couple of months.

A few weeks ago, I paid my money and signed up for the half! I can't believe that I am actually paying someone money, a huge chunk of money, to torture myself for 13.1 miles. But since the money is paid, there is no backing out now!

Training has been going pretty good - the distance has increased now. This is my second 20-mile week so we'll see how I feel after Friday morning. I am sort of enjoying it - I really like how I feel after I'm done running but I am starting to enjoy other parts of it as well. I am not normally a morning person so I have been working hard to get my tired self out of the bed at the crack of dawn (actually before the crack of dawn). I listen to my praise music and try to use that time to think and pray. It's been good for me to have that time in the mornings.

So the half is coming up soon - I still wonder if I can do that many miles. But I have a friend who just did her first half (go Kelly) and she is giving me some inspiration!

Until then, the training continues...

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