Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I have been reading a book by Iain Murray entitled "The Old Evangelicalism". Here is a quote by D.M. Lloyd-Jones that is in Murray's book:

"There is no true evangelism without the doctrine of sin, and without an understanding of what sin is. I do not want to be unfair, but I say that a gospel which merely says, 'Come to Jesus', and offers Him as a Friend, and offers a marvelous new life, without convicting of sin, is not New Testament evangelism. The essence of evangelism is to start by preaching the law; and it is because the law has not been preached that we have so much superficial evangelism ... evangelism must start with the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man and the eternal consequences of evil and wrong-doing. It is only the man who has been brought to see his guilt in this way who flies to Christ for deliverance and redemption."

Many so-called 'evangelical' churches today have fallen into this trap. This trap of trying to present the gospel without the recognition of sin. Many people say 'it's about love.' And I wouldn't disagree with that statement. Yes, it is about God's love ... and His holiness ... and our sinfulness. Our sinfulness is what points us to the Savior! Just as Lloyd Jones says that it's not biblical evangelism if we ignore sin, I would argue that it's not the true gospel if we ignore the sin.


Kelly said...

Good word, Jenn. How many students have you counseled who thought they had accepted Christ as a child, only to realize they had never felt any conviction of sin, never truly repented? I know it has been a lot.
Sin is as much a part of the gospel, as love, holiness and grace.
Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

An even greater problem in the church culture as demonstrated especially among teenagers is how they feel the urge to get saved over and over again because they made a "decision" for Jesus, but they continue to live just like the rest of the world. Also, they feel bad about their sin, but there really isn't a true biblical, God-centered conviction of sin. Our customs and lack of biblical doctrine has brought a lot of damage to the church in this generation. It's time for churches and teachers and pastor/elders to get back to the "old evangelicalism" and lead the body of Christ back to what it means to be a Christian. This starts with how we evangelize the lost. It's got to be more than just a one time "decision" for Christ. It's got to be more than just feeling bad about your mistakes....

Kim said...

This is so true,Jenn! We have been thinking alike lately! What a great post and such wonderful insight from the authors you quoted!

I could not agree more.


Anonymous said...

That's a whopper of a quote there, Jenn. Brian's comment is right on, too. I was a teenager just like the ones he describes.

Kelly said...

Great post! May we always keep proper perspective as we seek to share Christ we others. I see so many dangerous signs that not all churches are doing this.

Dani said...

I have been keeping up with y'all through Claire and your blog. I am bad about lurking;( Sorry.... Anyway. I did really agree with this post so much! I think it is such an important thing to remember in parenting as we point our children to Christ. We need the WHOLE gospel! Best wishes on the new baby!