Friday, February 20, 2009

Marriage Based on Grace

"You cannot say too often that marriage is a model of Christ and the church ... this makes clear that marriage is based on grace. Christ pursues his bride by grace, obtains her for his own by grace, sustains her by grace, and will perfect her for himself by grace. We deserve none of this. We deserve judgment. It is all by grace." This Momentary Marriage by John Piper

This has so many implications in my own life and marriage. Even though I KNOW that marriage is a model of Christ and his church, I don't think about the truth of that often enough. I do not deserve the grace that God has given me. I am thankful for it but I often take if for granted. (I guess one could argue about the depth of that thankfulness if I do take it for granted - but that's probably another post). I usually find myself being slow to offer grace to my husband - and why - after all Christ has done for me? Well, because I don't usually choose to live in that same grace that has been extended to me. I pray that I continue to learn how to model God's grace in how I love and forgive others, especially my husband.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

My Prayer for this Week...

I ordered Brian some John Piper books (yes there are a few we don't have) for his birthday back in January. One of them was his new book on marriage called "This Momentary Marriage." I was so excited this week when they finally came!

Yes, he wanted the marriage book but I was excited about reading it too. He began reading the biography on John Calvin while I stared on the marriage one. It is such a great read. I hope to write even more thoughts on it soon but for now I leave you with this:

" marriage you live hour by hour in glad dependence on God's forgiveness and justification and promised future grace, and you bend it out toward your spouse hour by hour - as an extension of God's forgiveness and justification and promised help."